Jun 25, 2024
Year end party -- its a Cook off!
Hosted by Blake & Karen Vince

Its a battle again - John S & Ken going brisket to brisket!  Pot luck & social at Blake's home. 

Pot luck (salads & desserts) for the rest of the meal.

Vinces' will provide paper plates, cutlery, napkins, red cups & ice.

BYOB & lawn chairs.

All Rotarians, potential Rotarians, spouses, & family & friends are welcome

Address is 22925 Merlin Road (Turn off Hwy 2, going south & over the 401. 1st house on the left, on Merlin Road.)

Arrive for  5. Our President Glenn will have a few words at 6 &  we will eat 6-630pm.

It would be nice to have some RSPs for how many to expect for the meal.


Psst. We will not be meeting in the morning at Smitty's.